My experience!

 When I first started to pet sit I wasn't sure what it would be like. I was nervous because I had to stay in a house I was not familiar with. But it was fun hanging out with all sorts of dogs. I do not pet sit very often but it is fun every once in awhile. One thing I am not a big fan on is not being able to sleep in my own bed and basically having all my stuff either in my car or in a suitcase. It depends on how long the people are going to be out of town for. It could be a few days or maybe a week or so. It can get a little stressful. It's nice when you petsit for the same people because you already know what to expect. When I first started to petsit for my friend I felt comfortable but also a little nervous but after some time I got used to being there. This month I have watched some animals I've never watched before. The first set of animals I watched was for my friend and they are well behaved and very easy to take care of. The second people had one dog and a cat and it was a little frustrating because they said the cat wasn't allowed outside and he kept on meowing because all he wanted to do was be outside. But the dog was fine I just felt bad because the smoke was bad and he's an old dog but it wasn't too bad. Then the last set of animals I have been watching is a little chaotic because there's two horses, some chickens, two cats, and five dogs including a five month old puppy. Thankfully I don't have to do much with all of the animals. Just have to make sure they have water and food. They live on a good chunk of property so they dogs are able to just go roam around. 


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